Instant Feedback KB

How to publish your form

This guide will show you, how you can publish your newly created form, either as an embedded widget or a standalone page.


Step 1
Open the form in the editor

info box After you selected the form you want to share in the editor, you should see the shown box at the top of the page. It consists of two links:

  • the full page link
  • and the embed link.

In this case we will procceed with the full page link.

Step 2
Copy or open the link

Everything you need to now, is either right click and copy the link on the right or click it and open it in a new tab.

The link should look something like this:<FORM_ID>.

Embedded in website

Step 1
Open the form in the editor

info box After you selected the form you want to share in the editor, you should see the shown box at the top of the page. It consists of two links:

  • the full page link
  • and the embed link.

In this case we will proceed with the embed link.

Step 2
Copy the url

Next right click and copy the /e/<FORM_ID> link on the right. If you did everything right, it should have the following syntax:<FORM_ID>.

Step 3
Past into HTML snippet

In the last step you just need to copy an iFrame element into your website.

This can (but doesn’t need to) look like this:

<iframe src="<FORM_ID>" width="600" height="400"></iframe>

It then will look something like this: